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When measuring graphite samples using a Carbon Sulfur combustion analyser, it is very important that your work area is clean from all possible sources of contamination. A lot of problems associated with analysis of graphite is because of contamination issues. Sources of contamination include, dirty balance pan, dusty (graphite dust) work surfaces, transfer of graphite from hands to crucibles and placement of crucibles onto a unclean surface. Graphite dust is notoriously “sticky” and will easily attach itself to the bottom of crucibles and unknowingly, the operator will then measure a normal sample and get an extremely higher than expected Carbon result.

Measurement of Graphite on the Labfit CS1232 Carbon Sulfur analyser is simplified with special calibration methodologies on the software. Being able to shift the linear curve and then calibrate mean that you can easily analyse very high concentrations of Carbon or Sulfur. To analyse Graphite add your sample to the crucible using a typical weight of 0.25 gram being careful not to contaminate the crucible with extra graphite. Analyse sample as normal. Graphite grease and other graphite products can be analysed on the Labfit CS1232 combustion analyser.